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health news

Californians to say ‘cheers’ at hair salons in 2017

Los Angeles, United States | AFP |  Come Sunday, Californians will legally be able to raise a glass of alcohol while getting a haircut or beard trim at beauty salons and barbershops. Although the practice of offering complementary wine and beer at such establishments has been going on quietly for …

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Born again: baby boom after China ends one-child rule

Beijing, China | AFP | As soon as China abandoned its one-child policy a year ago, Zheng Xiaoyu and her husband started trying for a sibling for their nine-year-old son. Their efforts bore fruit with another boy — one of a million extra births this year. “The traditional Chinese thinking …

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Brain surgery in Uganda

Neurosurgeons explain how lack of advanced technology is danger to patients The symptoms are ordinary enough in the initial stages; usually just headache that appears not to respond to treatment. But this soon advances in slightly more severe symptoms such as double vision, seizures, and difficulty in speech. At this …

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Pregnancy changes a woman’s brain: study

Paris, France | AFP |  Pregnancy causes “long-lasting” physical changes to a woman’s brain, with significant, but seemingly beneficial, grey matter loss in parts of the crucial organ, a study said. Some alterations lasted at least two years, they reported, but did not appear to erode memory or other mental …

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COMMENT: Universal health in Africa

COMMENT: By Matshidiso Moeti Ghana’s insurance scheme and Ethiopia’s a cadre of health-extension workers prove it is achievable Three years ago, a young boy in rural Guinea fell victim to the Ebola virus. An epidemic soon took hold of West Africa. By the time it was contained, it had killed …

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Government seeks 390bn for health services

As a way of improving the country’s ability to provide reproductive, maternal and child health services, the Ministry of Health has tabled before Parliament a proposal to borrow $110m (390bn) from the International Development Association, an arm of the World Bank. Dr Jane Aceng, Minister for Health while appearing before …

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Mulago sued over “missing baby”

Mulago National Referral Hospital is again in the spotlight, after being dragged to the High Court by a mother who claims that her baby went missing in the hands of Mulago staff on December 26,2015. Fatuma Nakayima and Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) have sued the Executive Director …

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