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health news

NMS, CIPLA-QC in court over ‘imported’ Aids and Malaria drugs

The High Court in Kampala on Wednesday summoned the Attorney General of Government and  National Medical Stores (NMS) to respond to claims that it has continuously withdrawn money from the consolidated fund  to purchase imported  anti-retroviral and anti-malarial drugs from a local manufacturer disguised as locally made. Documents presented to …

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Taxes, love: The more we lie, the easier it gets

Slippery slope: the more we lie, the easier it gets Paris, France | AFP | Whether cheating on taxes or one’s lover, the little lies we tell can quickly escalate into big ones, according to a study released Monday that describes dishonesty as a “slippery slope”. Serial untruths, moreover, register …

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Heading the ball ‘affects memory’ – study

London, United Kingdom | AFP | Heading a football can significantly affect a player’s brain function and memory up to a day, a study by researchers at Scotland’s Stirling University has said. Memory performance was reduced by between 41 percent to 67 percent following heading practice, according to the research, …

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Nabimanya talks HIV prevention 

INTERVIEW: Humphrey Nabimanya calls himself a social entrepreneur. Apart from hosting a youth show on one of the local TV stations, Nabimanya is a HIV/AIDS activist and a counselor.  “My personal experience and what I witnessed in society created a yearning in me to cause change,” he says. He says …

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Government promises improved safe water access for women

  Government’s plans to ensure there is a borehole constructed in each village in Uganda should address concerns by activists about the huge burden women and girls face in search of safe drinking water. The reassurance was given by Eng. Joseph Oriono Eyatu, Commissioner for rural water supply and sanitation while …

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When natural cures disappear

Traditions clash with modern science over lost plants, animals, fish 64-year old Milly Namwanje knows something about the diseases of infants. She had six children of her own and she is now a grandmother of one-month old Sheebah. Unfortunately, Sheebah has a problem that Namwanje has diagnosed – but she …

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