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health news

The fight against Ebola

Why women must be central to the response NEWS ANALYSIS | SOPHIE HARMAN | No time for that” was the constant refrain heard by gender and women’s health experts working in the 2014/16 Ebola response. This was an emergency and the main thing was to deal with the crisis. It …

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HIV/AIDs kills 17,000

Virus still a burden among young people Kampala, Uganda | PATRICIA AKANKWATSA | Uganda Network of AIDS Services Organisation (UNASO) wants the fight against HIV/AIDS in Uganda to focus on encourage health-seeking behavior as the disease continues to spread; especially among young people. While presenting the National HIV/Aids Report, Dr …

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CTI Africa, Buikwe Local Government sign historic digital health innovation agreement

Buikwe, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | CTI Africa Ltd, a leader in information technology, has signed a  healthcare agreement with the government of Uganda’s Buikwe District.  The agreement will transform the lives of all the district’s residents by implementing CTI’s ground-breaking LifeHealth software platform. In announcing the signing, CTI’s CEO Dr. …

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EBOLA: Suspected Mbale case is negative

Mbale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The samples of a 16-year-old boy who was isolated at Mbale Regional Referral Hospital after presenting with Ebola-like symptoms have turned out negative, the Director, Dr. Stephen Obbo has revealed. “The results of the suspected case are negative and the patient is now receiving normal …

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Rising Ebola cases

WHO ups risk assessment | PATRICIA AKANKWATSA | As the Ebola cases in Uganda continue to surge, World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Nov.02 that Ebola’s arrival in the Ugandan capital highlighted the high risk of further spread of the deadly virus, calling on neighbouring countries to boost their preparedness. …

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