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health news

VIRUS INSTITUTE: Sudan Ebola strain is milder

Kampala, Uganda | FLAVIA NASSAKA – URN |  The death rate from the newly confirmed outbreak of the Ebola Hemorrhagic fever in Mubende is likely to be low,  according to scientists at the Uganda Virus Research Institute-UVRI. Dr. Julius Lutwama who heads the Department of Arbovirology, Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious …

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Covid-19 response failed in Africa

Lancet report says `hidden pandemic’ kept infection figures low | ANDRE VAN WYK | The global response to the Covid-19 epidemic has been nothing short of a massive failure, according to a study by The Lancet; the world’s highest-impact general medical journal. The peer-reviewed journal explains that millions of deaths …

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One person dead as Uganda confirms Ebola outbreak

Nairobi, Kenya  | THE STAR KENYA |   The Uganda government has confirmed an outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Mubende District, Uganda. Through the ministry of health,  the confirmed case is a 24-year-old male, a resident of Ngabano village of Madudu Sub County in Mubende District had  EVD symptoms. He …

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Northern Uganda sees rise in childhood cancer

Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | When Nighty Akello’s 11-year-old daughter started complaining of pain in her stomach last year, she took it for a mild condition that would disappear in just a matter of days. Akello, a resident of Koch Akili village in Kochgoma sub-county, Nwoya district says that her …

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China approves inhalable Covid-19 vaccine

Convidecia Air utilises a nebuliser to change liquid into an aerosol for inhaling through the mouth | THE INDEPENDENT | The National Medical Products Administration of China (NMPA) has approved CanSino Biologics’ (CanSinoBIO) recombinant Covid-19 vaccine (Adenovirus Type 5 Vector) for inhalation, Convidecia Air, as a booster. This vaccine leverages …

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