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Society catergory

society News

Low resting heart rate is good

So how do you lower yours? Kampala, Uganda | JENNIFER HUIZEN | Heart rate refers to the number of heartbeats a person has per minute. It is also commonly called the pulse. Having a lower resting heart rate is usually a sign of good health. In this article we provide hints …

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Isimba contractor offers free medical service

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | China International Water and Electrical Corporation (CWE), the contractor of the 183MW Isimba Hydro power project, has concluded its third and last free medical activity ahead of the official completion of the power dam later this year. Held on March 23 in Kayunga Town Council, …

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Antibiotics consumption soars, fueling fears over superbugs

Washington, United States | AFP | Global consumption of antibiotics has soared since the year 2000, stoking calls for new policies to rein in usage — and fueling fears that the worldwide threat posed by drug-resistant superbugs will spiral out of control, researchers say. A study in the Proceedings of …

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MOTORING: Driving on muddy roads

It might be wiser to reverse and try another way Kampala, Uganda | MOTORING GURU | In our continuing series on driving during the rainy season, we explore the slippery issue of driving on muddy roads and avoiding getting stuck. Driving in the mud skills usually come in handy when you …

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S.Africa’s DIY battle against HIV

Alexandra, South Africa | AFP | Self-testing kits and vending machines distributing prescription drugs are two ways that HIV treatment is being automated to reduce stigma in South Africa, home of the world’s biggest HIV epidemic. With 7.1 million people living with HIV in the country, removing human intervention is …

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Are lonely hearts prone to cardiovascular disease?

Paris, France | AFP | Feeling lonely contributes less to the risk of cardiovascular disease than recent research suggests, scientists said Tuesday, but social isolation really does up the odds of dying after a heart attack or stroke. The alleged link between loneliness and heart disease essentially disappears once other …

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COMMENT: Deal with fake drugs

National Drug Authority should handle the issue of counterfeit drugs through monitoring systems and the law COMMENT | MICHAEL WOIRA | The Uganda National Drug Authority and the Ministry of Health need to urgently reexamine the systems and processes they use to examine all drugs that are being sold by public …

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