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Society catergory

society News

ARTS: Tusiime’s creative mind

His barkcloth paper gives old material new image Dominic Muwanguzi How does someone in Uganda with limited formal education end up collaborating with a top British university on a groundbreaking innovation? That is the questions that Ugandan artist Mathias Tusiime’s collaboration with Newcastle University in England on the subject of …

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HEALTH: C-section delivery

Risks remain whether it’s choice or forced Solomy Mukiibi never planned on delivering through C-section.  In fact, she had two normal deliveries before her third baby brought the unexpected. It started when she stopped feeling the rolling sensation of her baby’s movements. “The midwives and obstetrics gynecologists quickly realised something …

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Kamuli gets 391,000 mosquito nets

The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga has launched a mass distribution of over 390,000 insecticide treated mosquito nets in Kamuli to curb incidents of malaria in the eastern region. The distribution is part of a countrywide effort by the Malaria Control Programme under the Ministry of Health, which commenced in …

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Nigeria says vigilant after DR Congo Ebola deaths

Lagos, Nigeria | AFP |  Nigeria on Monday said it had stepped up health surveillance and vigilance was high at entry ports after an Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo killed at least three people. “The minister has directed the director of health services at the ports to …

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When Museveni contracted chickenpox

President Museveni meets former teacher who saved him from chickenpox London, UK | PPU|  Sometime in 1963, a student at Ntare School came down with a serious fever, with a temperature of over 104 degrees Fahrenheit. This was strange considering that the normal body temperature is said to be about 98.6 …

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The many benefits of vitamin D

Before antibiotics were discovered, sunlight was part of the standard treatment for tuberculosis By Melvin Sanicas Vitamin D helps our bodies regulate levels of calcium and phosphate – nutrients that keep bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. Often, sunlight on our skin can be enough to enable us to produce all …

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Fast-moving cyberattacks wreak havoc worldwide

Washington, United States | AFP |  A fast-moving wave of cyberattacks swept the globe Friday, apparently exploiting a flaw exposed in documents leaked from the US National Security Agency. The attacks — which experts said affected dozens of countries — used a technique known as ransomware that locks users’ files …

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