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society news

Jjuuko creates food for thought art

Imagine a food market, almost anywhere in Uganda. Often it will have a section for matooke (green bananas). Usually, it is a beehive of calling out to customers, haggling, exchanging money, and carrying bunches of matooke about on bicycles, the head, shoulder, or arms. By Dominic Muwanguzi Now imagine a …

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All about the new Ebola outbreak

World Health Organisation confirms several dead in DR Congo The World Health Organization has confirmed an Ebola outbreak in a remote forested part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the first in that country since 2014. By May 12, at least nine people were suspected of being infected, and three …

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Akizimana’s love of women

Artist uses art to depict beauty, struggles, generosity By Joseph Ondiek On a recent visit to Abien Arts Center in Kigali, we found the proprietor and resident artist, Fabien Akizimana busy on pieces he hoped to present to the panel of The East Africa Art Biennale association (EASTAFAB), from where …

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ARTS: Tusiime’s creative mind

His barkcloth paper gives old material new image Dominic Muwanguzi How does someone in Uganda with limited formal education end up collaborating with a top British university on a groundbreaking innovation? That is the questions that Ugandan artist Mathias Tusiime’s collaboration with Newcastle University in England on the subject of …

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HEALTH: C-section delivery

Risks remain whether it’s choice or forced Solomy Mukiibi never planned on delivering through C-section.  In fact, she had two normal deliveries before her third baby brought the unexpected. It started when she stopped feeling the rolling sensation of her baby’s movements. “The midwives and obstetrics gynecologists quickly realised something …

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When Museveni contracted chickenpox

President Museveni meets former teacher who saved him from chickenpox London, UK | PPU|  Sometime in 1963, a student at Ntare School came down with a serious fever, with a temperature of over 104 degrees Fahrenheit. This was strange considering that the normal body temperature is said to be about 98.6 …

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