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society news

No more homework! Parents go on strike

Madrid, Spain | AFP |  Children have long complained about homework but parents in Spain are now joining in and have decided to go on strike against their offspring’s school load for the whole month of November. Called by the Spanish Alliance of Parents’ Associations (CEAPA), a network that covers …

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The punished one – five of the best Mourinho meltdowns

Paris, France | AFP |  Jose Mourinho is facing only the latest in a series of touchline bans after being charged with misconduct for the second time in less than a week by the English Football Association on Tuesday. Here, AFP looks at some of the Manchester United manager’s most …

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Best coffee in the world!

How Ugandans love of the good life is driving café culture Endiro coffee is easy to miss. Although the tiny café is right at the entrance to the Kisementi shopping and entertainment area of Kampala City’s Kololo suburb, it is hidden in thick shrubbery. Once inside, rustic wood and metal …

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Reebok starts making shoes in US again

New York, United States | AFP |  Sports equipment manufacturer Reebok is bringing some of its shoemaking back to the United States, unveiling plans to open a new manufacturing lab next year using innovative liquid material and 3D drawing. Some parts of the 300 pairs of shoes planned will come …

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When natural cures disappear

Traditions clash with modern science over lost plants, animals, fish 64-year old Milly Namwanje knows something about the diseases of infants. She had six children of her own and she is now a grandmother of one-month old Sheebah. Unfortunately, Sheebah has a problem that Namwanje has diagnosed – but she …

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