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ARTS: Beauty of birds

Top conservationist art show in Kampala Kampala, Uganda | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Ugandan Ivan Yakuze who has built a globally recognised name in the niche of artists working with traditional fabric to create startling artworks has an ongoing exhibition in Kampala. Usually, Yakuze’s discerning eye for the unusual keeps everyone …

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Kampala Biennale is Back

Biennales are major international contemporary art exhibitions mostly conceived in cities around the world and our dusty Kampala happens to have its own. ARTS | MATT KAYEM | Once again, it’s another chance for the international art spotlight to project its blaring light on Kampala. Running for its fourth edition …

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The Endangered Ones

Bird art warns of the danger ahead | MATT KAYEM | Farid Mahfudh, one of Uganda’s top bird artists, has been working on a major body of work for the last five years and now – it’s ready! He is showing off the work titled `Endangered’ at the Afriart Gallery …

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Xenson brings new art space

Focus on photography, video art, installation, graffiti, sound art, fashion | MATT KAYEM | Multi-disciplinary artist, Samson Ssenkaaba aka Xenson is opening an art space in our great city, Kampala. This is wonderful news mainly because spaces dedicated to contemporary art in Kampala are not many. While scrolling through my …

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Nnabagereka launches Mpanga’s book ‘It’s A Pity She’s Not a Boy’

  Kampala, Uganda | GODFREY SSALI | Nnabagereka Sylvia Nagginda has applauded former minister Joyce Mpanga for being a true champion of women’s rights and writing a book about her life and achievements over the years. The Nnabagereka (Queen of Buganda), who also wrote the foreword to the book ‘It’s A Pity She’s Not …

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