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Speaker directs 5 to investigate NSSF as Minister Amongi grilled in parliament

Speaker Among presided over a heated house today. She says she is naming a team of 5 MPs to investigate NSSF issues. PHOTO PARLIAMENT MEDIA

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The ongoing saga at the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) took yet another turn Thursday when Speaker of Parliament Anita Among formed a select committee to investigate claims of corruption and infighting at the fund. She said she was doing this to help restore public faith in NSSF.

“We need to restore public faith in NSSF,” said Amongi in parliament following a heated debate during which Gender Minister Betty Amongi was quizzed about claims that she piled pressure on NSSF Managing Director Richard Byarugaba to give her Shs 6bn for her activities to promote the Fund.

Speaker Among warned. “I don’t want to say this money is cursed. But I have grown up overtime seeing that whoever goes for workers’ money is rotting in prison.“

The Speaker said she would carefully identify key lawmakers who would not be compromised. “The names of five people on the select committee will be out next Monday.”

Kabasharira hits at Minister Amongi

During the plenary before Among made her ruling, Rushenyi County MP Naome Kabasharira wondered how Amongi could defy a presidential directive and board of directors on the reappointment of Richard Byarugaba as NSSF MD owing to stellar performance of the Fund.

“Ministers should respect authority,” Kabasharira told a heated parliament.

“We have a Minister who has refused to take the authorities’ directives. Nabbanja is a Prime Minister. She wrote a letter based on directives from the President. Why don’t we trust the Prime Minister?” wondered Kabasharira.

Amongi reappointed Byarugaba’s Deputy Patrick Ayota and deferred Byarugaba’s, saying she needed to conduct more consultations.

In her presentation, Kabasharira wondered why Amongi’s deferral of Byarugaba’s reappointment occurred after NSSF denying her access to Shs 6bn.

“When the Shs 6bn matter came up, that’s when Richard Byarugaba was asked to step aside. There is the deputy (Ayota). If anything happens (alleged mismanagement), we are jointly liable. Why retain the deputy Ayota and send away the MD? Then let all of them step aside until investigations are completed,” said Kabasharira.

Amongi puts up her defence

On her part, Amongi said she wanted Shs 6bn set aside within the NSSF’s operational budget to support efforts to mobilize various associations, industrial parks and diaspora to contribute to the Fund.

She said out of 17 million workers, only 1.5 million save with NSSF.

Minister Amongi faced fire from MPs

However, MP Joan Okia (Madi Okollo) wondered whether the government was providing any support to the businesses where Amongi expected employers to remit workers’ funds.

“We have just come from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Businesses are struggling to break even. They may not have money to make contributions. What support can the government give companies to keep these jobs and remit workers’ funds? As you try to expand contributions, what are we doing to help limping businesses to keep workers?In industrial parks, workers earn about Shs 3,000 – Shs 5,000, making them unable to contribute to the Fund.”

Amongi also dismissed reports that she visited Kapeeka to decide on the next NSSF MD.

” The board’s visit to meet Gen Salim Saleh in Kapeeka on 06 December 2022 had the intention of establishing how a private industrial park with a big number of workers can inform strategies for the fund to enroll these as members and contributors,” she said.

She argued that “Supporting the business model of the NSSF are three rings of defence; legal management, risk management and internal audit. These rings of defense are to ensure that the operations of the fund are managed within an environment that minimises risk.”

Museveni directive defied

Speaker Among challenged Amongi to explain why she defied Museveni’s letter directing her to appoint Byarugaba as NSSF MD.

Museveni told Amongi that “it is better for one to consult before making these appointments. The present group at NSSF seems to have done a good job.”

Byarugaba crunching NSSF numbers for the press last year.

Museveni said Byarugaba’s team had raised NSSF’s portfolio from Shs 1.7trillion to 17trillion where it is as of now and that good performance was not a common practice in parastatals.

Museveni said “good actors should be appreciated.”

Another meeting was later held during which Museveni directed Nabbanja to write to Amongi to reappoint Byarugaba.
However, Amongi wrote to the NSSF board saying she had received petitions from whistleblowers and ordered fresh investigations into claims of corruption at the Fund.

Asked to table her letter to the board of directors, Amongi said she was unable as it was an “internal letter.” But Speaker Among reminded Amongi that she had actually tendered the document to the office of the Speaker.

Under pressure, Amongi agreed to have the letter tabled.

MP Arinaitwe Rwakajara however urged caution in the debate on NSSF.

” We maybe excited to be debating issues on the top but there must be deeper issues in the @nssfug. We need to dig deeper that what we are doing. I want us to handle this carefully.”



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