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Tag Archives: Afghanistan

Thousands more US troops arrive in Afghanistan: general

Washington, United States | AFP | Approximately 3,000 additional American troops have now deployed to Afghanistan under President Donald Trump’s revised strategy for the war-torn country, the Pentagon said Thursday. The Pentagon had previously put the number of US forces in Afghanistan at about 11,000 but Trump in August authorized an …

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Afghan police foil truck bomber in Kabul: officials

Kabul, Afghanistan | AFP | Afghan police seized a lorry packed with explosives hidden under boxes of tomatoes in Kabul, officials said Sunday, averting a potentially deadly blast in the capital months after a massive truck bomb killed and wounded hundreds. Police shot and wounded the driver of the vehicle …

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Bomb kills four Pakistani troops searching for kidnappers

Islamabad, Pakistan | AFP | A bomb Sunday killed four Pakistani soldiers as they searched for militants linked to the kidnapping of a US-Canadian family who were freed last week. The incident happened near the Kharlachi checkpoint in Kurram district in the restive tribal belt bordering Afghanistan. The family were being …

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Six rockets land near Kabul airport after Mattis arrives: official

Kabul, Afghanistan | AFP | US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis arrived in Afghanistan Wednesday, the first member of Donald Trump’s cabinet to visit the war-torn country since he pledged to stay the course in America’s longest war. In a sign of the country’s continuing insecurity six rockets landed near Kabul international …

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US watchdog highlights flawed training of Afghan forces

Washington, United States | AFP | US efforts to train Afghanistan’s security forces are being hampered by slapdash instruction, shoddy oversight and governance failures, a watchdog warned Thursday as America sends thousands more troops to the war-torn nation. American assistance to the Afghan army and police has topped $70 billion since …

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From poppy to heroin: Taliban move into Afghan drug production

Kabul, Afghanistan | AFP | The Taliban — which banned poppy cultivation when it ruled Afghanistan — now appears to wield significant control over the war-torn country’s heroin production line, providing insurgents with billions of dollars, officials have told AFP. In 2016 Afghanistan, which produces 80 percent of the world’s …

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Massive truck bomb kills over 80 in Kabul

BBC says driver killed, four journalists injured in Kabul attack London, United Kingdom | AFP |  The BBC’s Afghan driver was killed and four of its journalists were injured on Wednesday in a massive truck bomb blast that ripped through Kabul’s diplomatic quarter, the British broadcaster said. “It is with …

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Security forces deny access to site of US blast in Afghanistan

Jalalabad, Afghanistan | AFP |  Security forceswere still blocking accessWednesday to the site in eastern Afghanistan where the US dropped a massive bomb on an Islamic State group stronghold six days ago. The US military dropped its GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast, dubbed the “Mother of All Bombs”, in combat …

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