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Tag Archives: age limit

Age limit bill sent to Legal and parliamentary affairs committee

Kampala, Uganda | GODFREY SSALI | Igara West Member of Parliament Raphael Magyezi Tuesday tabled the con­tro­ver­sial Con­sti­tu­tion Amend­ment Bill 2017 for first read­ing as he seeks to remove the presidential age limit that is cur­rently capped at 75 among other things. The draft bill would pro­vide for the time within …

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Uganda’s Parliament hails ‘bold, wise’ Speaker Kadaga

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT|  Uganda’s Parliament has hailed Speaker Rebecca Kadaga for her wisdom and firm stand in handling the House this week. A day after a brawl left many parts of the House damaged, State Minister for Urban development Isaac Musumba moved an Appreciation Motion thanking Kadaga for …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: Age-limit Bill scandal

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT| These are the top stories in this week’s The Independent. COVER STORY Age-limit Bill scandal: The 4 fights frustrating Museveni THE LAST WORD: Inside Museveni’s life presidency: Why the removal of age limits may be the best way to get a peaceful succession in Uganda …

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VIDEO: Opposition MPs condemn arrest of colleagues

VIDEO: Opposition MPs condemn arrest of colleagues Kampala, Uganda | NTV | The Leader of Opposition Winnie Kiiza has revealed that her colleagues plan to boycott Parliament until their colleagues are unconditionally released. She was addressing a news conference at Parliament shortly after a brawl broke out between opposition lawmakers and …

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Magyezi tables ‘Age Limit’ motion

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  MP Raphael Magyezi (Igara West -NRM) has moved the motion seeking leave to introduce a Private Members Bill to ammend the constitution. After order was restored Wednesday following a chaotic start to the day’s parliamentary session, Magyezi presented  a motion seeking leave of parliament to …

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LIVE: Suspended MPs thrown out of parliament

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The “Age Limit” motion was finally tabled in parliament after another chaotic day in Uganda’s parliament. Speaker Rebecca Kadaga started Wednesday’s session of parliament by suspending 25 MPs for unruly behaviour on Tuesday, triggering chaos in the house. Fighting ensued as plain-clothes security operatives …

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AGE LIMIT: Parliament disrupted a second time

THE FULL STORY:  MPs chant Uganda National anthem, force Kadaga to adjourn Parliament  Kampala, Uganda | GODFREY SSALI | Speaker Rebecca Kadaga was Tuesday forced to adjourn the afternoon sitting of parliament after members from the opposition blocked Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi from moving a motion that would lead to …

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LIVE: Age Limit on Order Paper, but brawl mars sitting

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  A motion seeking leave of parliament to introduce an omnibus Private Member’s Bill to amend the Uganda constitutution was put on the order paper Tuesday, but fist fights followed and chairs were thrown as MPs alleged NRM MP Ronald Kibuule had got into the house …

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POLICE: No Bobi Wine procession from Entebbe

Entebbe, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda Police have blocked a planned procession from Entebbe airport to Kampala by MP Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine. Kampala Police spokesperson Emellian Kayima said they are “having a conversation” with Bobi Wine to ensure he does not travel in a procession which they say will lead to traffic management problems on …

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