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Tag Archives: Bishop

The story behind the Namirembe Bishop elections

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  Amid the jubilation surrounding the election of Reverend Canon Moses Banja as the next Bishop of Namirembe, there remain voices of skepticism regarding the nomination process that led to his election. Nevertheless, hours after the bishop-elect’s declaration at the Church of Uganda’s oldest diocese, …

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Election of Namirembe Diocese Bishop deferred

  Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | In a turn of events, the House of Bishops of the Church of Uganda has decided to defer the election of the next Bishop of Namirembe Diocese after a petition was recieved at the last minute. The postponement comes with an announcement that …

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Rt. Rev Lawrence Mukasa installed as Bishop of Kasana Luweero

Luweero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Right Reverend Lawrence Mukasa has been consecrated and installed as the third Bishop of Kasana Luweero. The Bishop’s seat fell vacant in December 2021 when Pope Francis appointed Right Reverend Paul Ssemogerere to replace the late Cyprian Lwanga as the Archbishop of Kampala. On …

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Bishop Naimanhe makes pastoral visit to Kinyara prison

Jinja, Uganda | THE IDEPENDENT | The Bishop of Busoga Diocese, Rt. Rev. Paul Naimanhe has encouraged inmates from Kirinya prisons, to positively endure the current sentences and hardships as they wait for their freedom. Naimanhe who visited inmates on Friday noted that prisoners irrespective of their present circumstances are children …

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Bishop Ssebaggala appointed caretaker of Luweero diocese

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Stephen Kazimba Mugalu has appointed Retired Bishop James William Ssebaggala as caretaker of Luweero Diocese. The appointment after Rt. Rev. Eridard Kironde Nsubuga abdicated and handed over the Ecclesiastical authority to Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu upon making 65 …

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Bishop Wanok to represent Uganda at historic Synod in Vatican

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Right Reverend Sanctus Lino Wanok, the Bishop of Lira Diocese will represent the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) at the highly anticipated Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled to take place in the Vatican next month. According to information released by the …

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Sabiiti retires after 24 years as auxiliary Bishop of Fort Portal

Fort portal, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Pope Francis has officially accepted the resignation and subsequent retirement of Bishop Joseph Mugenyi Sabiiti Apuuli, who has faithfully served as the Auxiliary Bishop of the diocese of Fort Portal for 24 years. This significant decision was announced by the Holy See Press Office …

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Christians divided over disqualification of Bishop Elect

Luwero, Uganda | THE INDPENDENT | A section of Christians in Luwero diocese has organized a special service to pray and protest the nullification of the election of Rev. Canon Godfrey Kasana Ssemakula as their 4th Bishop. It comes days after Provincial Secretary of the Church of Uganda, Rev. Canon William Ongeng announced …

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