Prague, Czech Republic | AFP | Vlastimil Gular’s life took an unwelcome turn a year ago: minor surgery on his vocal cords revealed throat cancer, which led to the loss of his larynx and with it, his voice. But the 51-year-old father of four is still chatting away using his …
Read More »Latest on brain cancer treatment
Why killing the fastest growing cells may not be the only treatment Kampala, Uganda | FLORIAN SIEBZEHNRUBL | Brain cancers are fortunately rare tumours in adults. Nevertheless, the most common type of brain cancer, glioblastoma, is incurable and almost always lethal. Because of the lack of effective therapies, the average survival …
Read More »Skin cancer deaths rates soar, mostly for men
Paris, France | AFP | Skin cancer deaths among men have soared in wealthy nations since 1985, with mortality rates among women rising more slowly or even declining, researchers told a medical conference in Glasgow Sunday. Reasons for the discrepancy between sexes are unclear but evidence suggests men are “less …
Read More »Week 34 of pregnancy reduces breast cancer risk: study
Paris, France | AFP | Women’s bodies undergo a “striking” change during a specific week of pregnancy that can significantly reduce their risk of developing breast cancer later in life, scientists said Tuesday. Previous research has highlighted how women under the age of 30 can reduce their risk of contracting …
Read More »French health watchdog calls for ban on sunbeds
Paris, France | AFP | The French health watchdog Wednesday urged the government to outlaw sunlamps and sunbeds because of the “proven” risk of skin cancer, in line with similar bans already in place in Australia and Brazil. “We recommend banning all activities linked to artificial tanning, along with ultraviolet sunlamps …
Read More »Japan to trial ‘world’s first urine test’ to spot cancer
Tokyo, Japan | AFP | A Japanese firm is poised to carry out what it hailed as the world’s first experiment to test for cancer using urine samples, which would greatly facilitate screening for the deadly disease. Engineering and IT conglomerate Hitachi developed the basic technology to detect breast or …
Read More »Doctor’s own diagnosis drives quest for a cancer cure
Bethesda, United States | AFP | Christian Hinrichs knew his life had forever changed the day he thought he was pouring milk into a glass, but heard it splashing on the floor instead. It was 2005, and the young cancer surgeon had just undergone the removal of his right eye …
Read More »New Blood Test Can Detect 8 Types of Cancer
Kampala, Uganda | TEREZA PULTAROVA | Researchers have developed a new blood test that can detect eight common types of cancer, including the notoriously elusive liver and pancreatic cancers. Some day, doctors may be able to use this method to spot cancers in their early stages — before the onset of …
Read More »Precision cancer therapy works in 3/4 of patients: study
Miami, United States | AFP | A precision cancer treatment that targets rare genetic mutations that exist in about 5,000 people in the United States instead of the tumor’s location in the body has shown success in three-quarters of patients, researchers said Wednesday. The medicine, called larotrectinib, is made by …
Read More »New cancer machine restores patients hope
Kampala, Uganda | FLAVIA NASSAKA | Agnes Atiang was in line for a breast operation at the Uganda Cancer Institute in Kampala when we spoke. Her story should have been one of double tragedy. Instead, it was one of hope. An X-ray at Mbale Regional Referral Hospital had revealed that the …
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