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Tag Archives: cattle raids

Revenge attacks escalating insecurity in Karamoja

Moroto, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Members of Parliament from the Karamoja sub-region have raised concerns over the cycle of revenge attacks in the region. The region has experienced continuous waves of cattle raids mainly fueled by revenge attacks among the communities of Jie, Bokora, Pian, Dodoth, and Matheniko. Christine Tubo …

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Kaabong district officials demand compensation for stolen livestock

Kaabong, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Kaabong district officials want the government to compensate 55,000 heads of cattle lost to rustling between 2019 and 2022. Jino Meri, the LCV chairperson says that many residents have lost their lives and animals to rustlers, which has affected the community economically and socially. According to …

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Lolachat seed school teachers fear for their lives

Nabilatuk, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Teachers at Lolachat seed secondary school in Nabilatuk district have expressed fear for their safety due to the absence of a perimeter fence given the insecurity in Karamoja resulting from increased cattle raids. Lolachat seed school has about 250 students in O Level. While at …

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LC3 chairperson shot dead in cattle raid

Napak, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Joint security forces in Karamoja have shot dead Aped Longole, the LC3 vice-chairperson of Napumpum sub-county in Kotido district. He was killed while driving rustled animals from Napak to Kotido. Micheal Longole, the Karamoja region police spokesperson confirmed the incident describing it as unfortunate for …

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Karamoja leaders ask for guns for community protection

Moroto, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Leaders in Karamoja sub-region have appealed to the government to provide guns for each district for defense. While giving updates on the security situation in the region, the leaders said that since the government has “failed” to address the issues of insecurity, they are proposing …

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Katakwi residents block Soroti-Moroto road over cattle theft

  Katakwi, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Hundreds of residents from three villages in Olilim Parish, Katakwi district have staged a demonstration protesting persistent cattle raids by Karimojong rustlers. The more than 400 residents affected by cattle raids have since pitched camp in the trading center, blocking Soroti- Moroto road via …

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