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Tag Archives: Comment

Museveni’s push for interest rate capping

Despite understandable frustration among the general public, it won’t be easy avoiding the Cobra’s Bite COMMENT | SIMON M. MUTUNGI | During the British imperial rule in India, the city of Delhi found itself grappling with a significant infestation of venomous cobras. In an earnest attempt to mitigate this issue, the …

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The roots of the global water crisis

Why policymakers shouldn’t emphasise minor changes in household consumption habits COMMENT | JOSHUA CASTELLINO | In March 1977, representatives from 116 countries gathered in Mar del Plata, Argentina, for the inaugural United Nations Water Conference. At the time, the event received very little attention. Global politics was dominated by a handful …

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Ideas for reducing primary school dropouts

A whopping 60% of children failing to complete just seven years of primary school is very serious matter COMMENT | PETER NYANZI | When the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) released the timetable for this year’s final examinations recently, some of their statistics left me really disturbed. According to UNEB, the …

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Political party drama and democracy

Why comedy of well-crafted theater scripts has unfolded within FDC which used to be regarded as one of the best COMMENT | MICHAEL WOIRA | In the world of politics, what we learn in theory often doesn’t match up with what actually happens in practice. Speaking as someone who studied political …

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How to stop Africa health worker brain drain

Investing in a well-trained workforce and innovations in digital solutions could limit the exodus of clinicians COMMENT | CLAUDIA SHILUMANI | This year the World Health Organisation added 37 African countries to a list of nations at risk of facing worsening health worker shortages due to “brain drain” – a well-documented …

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Elected criminals

Why candidates who have previously been indicted or jailed secure government positions in democratic countries COMMENT | IAN BURUMA | While Donald Trump holds the dubious distinction of being the first former U.S. president to run for office while facing criminal charges, he is not the first political candidate in American …

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The real cost of de-dollarisation

The Chinese renminbi, which accounts for less than 3% of global reserves, is not a threat to dollar hegemony COMMENT | BENN STEIL | At the end of World War II, the United States accounted for more than half the world’s economic output and gold reserves. The United Kingdom was effectively …

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A new playbook for preserving nature

Recommendations on how best to shape a new generation of markets that conserve rather than destroy nature COMMENT | SANDRINE DIXSON-DECLEVE & SIMON ZADEK | The global economy is addicted to the relentless  and unsustainable  extraction of natural resources. Yet despite our complete dependence on nature, its contribution  for example, the …

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Untapped wind energy potential in Karamoja

A solution to climate change induced food insecurity and conflicts in the semi-arid mineral rich region COMMENT | BWESIGYE DON BINYINA | According to a recent report by the East African newspaper, Uganda is on the verge of becoming the first East African country to attain energy surplus and security status. …

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