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Tag Archives: Comment

Focus on productivity, not technology

New technologies may fail to lift all boats because their benefits can be captured by a small group COMMENT | DANI RODRIK | Economists have long argued that productivity is the foundation of prosperity. The only way a country can increase its standard of living sustainably is to produce more goods …

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A world of cronyism and corruption

To eliminate it, we must first improve our understanding of its mechanisms and incentive structures COMMENT | KAUSHIK BASU | Imagine the following scenario. A political outsider wins a critical election by promising to root out corruption. Even if that is a sincere intention, upon assuming office, they will quickly realise …

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Energy transition is fueling power transition

It means seizing this moment of peril and possibility to ensure that women and girls fulfill their potential COMMENT | GAYLE TZEMACH LEMMON | In the battle to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and avert the worst impacts of climate change, the world has a vast resource that remains largely untapped: women. Preventing …

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The axis of denial

To escape politics of denial, we cannot just cling to multi-party democracy but build social consensus COMMENT | SLAVOJ ZIZEK | The wife of a drunkard is in bed with her lover when her husband unexpectedly stumbles in and climbs under the sheets. “Darling, I’m so drunk that I see six …

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A mild global contraction is coming

While a severe credit crunch has been avoided, a short and shallow recession has become likely COMMENT | NOURIEL ROUBINI | There are currently four scenarios for the global economic outlook. Three of these entail potentially serious risks with far-reaching implications for markets. The most positive is a “soft landing,” where …

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The costly return of geopolitics

This state of affairs should not only be better than previous state, it must cover evils of transition COMMENT | ROBERT SKIDELSKY | One of the regrettable consequences of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species was the advent of the pseudoscience known as geopolitics. Drawing inspiration from Darwin’s concepts of …

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An economic model for the AI age

Economic models require a rethink as workers may do little to drive growth, but benefit from it COMMENT | DAMBISA MOYO | In April, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai predicted that artificial intelligence would have an impact “more profound” than any other human innovation, from fire to electricity. While it is impossible …

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Without whistleblowers, the West is lost

The biggest threat to Western democracies is the nihilism and self-indulgence in their politics COMMENT | SLAVOJ ZIZEK | Earlier this month, CNN reported that a British court has denied Wikileaks founder Julian Assange “permission to appeal an order to extradite him to the United States, where he faces criminal charges …

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Can local journalism be saved?

No business model has emerged as a replacement for advertising revenue, but alternatives exist COMMENT | JAN – WERNER MUELLER | “All politics is local,” proclaims an old American saying. That might partly explain why democratic politics is going so badly especially, but not only, in the United States. For local government …

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Growing businesses with strong relationships

Elevating organisations requires strategic tactics that focus on engaging with important stakeholders COMMENT | HENRY MUWAGA | Relationships need a lot of work. This applies whether it is a personal or professional relationship. Imagine you are a business owner who wants to expand your organisation’s reach and achieve sustainable business growth …

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