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Tag Archives: Dominic Muwanguzi

Kigali photo fest

Rwanda gets contemporary art festival | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Photography is more than the art of taking a picture. It is a powerful story-telling tool. It is, therefore, not surprising that it is increasingly being courted as a medium to narrate the diverse African experience on one stage called the …

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Making trouble with art

It is difficult to silence artists providing critical perceptive Kampala, Uganda | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Political art says more than the problems facing the community. If it is issues of social injustice or political tyranny, the artist will deliberately set up imagery in his work to provoke anger, despair and …

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ARTS: Maria Naita

And the art of big things | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Maria Naita is one of the few women on the Uganda contemporary art scene. She defies stereotypes and exudes a consciousness of her equal rights in a male dominated industry and a readiness to fight for them. She does both …

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Ugandan art at PIASA

French auction art house falls for `unique, fresh’  Kampala Uganda | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Contemporary African art is now common on the world stage. Several art festivals; including the much coveted PIASA art auction in Paris, France capitalise onsale of contemporary art from the continent, notably from West Africa. There’s …

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Cliff Kibuuka’s metropolis

Artist shows off his immense love for Kampala Kampala, Uganda | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Cliff Kibuuka will talk about Kampala City anywhere, any time – but not anyhow. He loves the city and sees only good even in its bad side. He adores its bustle and multi-cultures. In his latest …

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ART: Old is gold

Art inspired by a humble life and a grandfather’s idioms | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Early exposure to life’s trials; with a single mother and constant scarce resources, ensured that Adrian Migadde looks to art as a way out. In school, his drawings made him friends and paid his school fees. …

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Benon Lutaaya dies at 34

In 2016 he founded The Project; an NGO for uplifting female artistes in South Africa | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | Benon Lutaaya passed on in Johannesburg Hospital on April 14. His career spanned only nine years but he had already made his mark. He donated over one million South African Rand …

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Endless boundaries of community art

There is an eccentric exhibition planned at the Makerere Art Gallery in Kampala. Kampala, Uganda | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | It’s eccentric because its main attractions are works by community artists and children from Kalerwe; the famous low income high population suburb of Kampala city. From its narrow- winding paths to …

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In memory of Serulyo

The master of anatomy and individual proficiency lives on Kampala, Uganda | DOMINIC MUWANGUZI | The sculpture in stained glass depicts rural scenery. A herdsman stands; leaning on a stick, while another man; squatting, milks a cow with birds hovering nearby. The sculpture is considered a masterpiece and is admired …

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Latest art movers and shakers

How they impact the Kampala art scene By DOMINIC MUWANGUZI Afriart Gallery The first private art gallery established by a Ugandan artist, Daudi Karungi to exhibit contemporary art from Uganda. It has inspired many artists to work more creatively in order to exhibit here. Through such display and engagements, it …

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