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Tag Archives: DRC

No DRC presidential poll before 2019

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP | DR Congo’s electoral commission announced Wednesday that the vote to replace President Joseph Kabila expected by the end of the year will not happen before the start of 2019. Kabila officially ended his term in office in December, but he was allowed to stay …

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Military plane crashes in DR Congo

At least 11 dead as DR Congo army plane crashes Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP | A transport plane chartered by the Congolese army crashed near Kinshasa on Saturday, killing at least 11 people, military and airport sources told AFP. The Antonov transporter had just taken off with “several dozen …

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17 bodies found in DR Congo east border lake

Goma, DR Congo | AFP |  The bodies of 17 civilians apparently fleeing violence in the troubled North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo were found in Lake Edward, a local official said Tuesday. The civilians “drowned trying to flee clashes between the Mai-Mai and soldiers from the …

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DR Congo bus accident leaves 25 dead, dozens injured

Kikwit, DR Congo | AFP |  Twenty five people were killed and 57 others injured Sunday when a bus overturned in the southeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to an official toll. The accident on National Road Number 1 caused “25 deaths and 57 serious injuries” according to …

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WHO sounds alarm over DRCongo cholera epidemic

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP |  The World #Health Organization on Saturday sounded the alarm over a #cholera outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo which has already claimed 528 lives and reached “worrying proportions”. The UN says cholera is a major public health problem in the country with millions …

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New ‘Keep Uganda Free of Polio’ campaign targets 73 districts

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Concerned by the increasing numbers of refugees entering the country, Uganda’s Ministry of Health will September 9-11 roll out a House to House Polio Immunization campaign for children 0-5 years in 73 districts. “Currently, there is high cross-border movements of populations due to insecurity and cross border trade …

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DR Congo temporarily bans import of key consumer goods

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP | Authorities have banned imports of several popular consumer products in the west of the Democratic Republic of Congo for six months to fight smuggling, Trade Minister Jean-Lucien Busa said Monday. “We have decided on the temporary restriction of imports in the western part of …

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“LRA rebels” kidnap at least 10 in DR Congo

  Bunia, DR Congo | AFP |  At least 10 people, but possibly as many as 40, have been kidnapped in the Democratic Republic of Congo by suspected members of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), local sources said Wednesday. “We condemn the kidnapping of 10 people from the village of …

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