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Tag Archives: Eric Randolph

Iranians mock ‘ridiculous’ Trump speech

Tehran, Iran | AFP | Iranians responded with anger and mockery on Saturday to the bellicose speech against their country by US President Donald Trump and his threats to tear up the landmark nuclear deal. “I was so angry last night,” said Layla, 42, who runs an artisan shop in …

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Iran’s tech sector blooms under shield of sanctions

Tehran, Iran | AFP | The names may be unfamiliar but the services are immediately recognisable: Snapp is Iran’s answer to Uber, Digikala is its Amazon, and Pintapin its US sanctions have protected the Islamic republic’s tech sector, barring Silicon Valley from profiting from one of the world’s most promising …

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Total to sign Iran gas deal, biggest since sanctions lifted

Tehran, Iran | AFP | French energy giant Total will finally sign its multi-billion-dollar agreement to develop an Iranian offshore gas field on Monday, the oil ministry said, in the biggest foreign deal since sanctions were eased last year. “The international agreement for the development of phase 11 of South …

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