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Tag Archives: farmers

Kasangati farmers get improved banana seedlings from NAADs

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) has distributed 1,300 improved banana seedlings to farmers in Kasangati town council in Wakiso district. The beneficiaries are from Kabaga, Katadde, Gayaza, and Kabaganda villages among others. Major Ismail Mugerwa, the Kyadondo East NAADS coordinator says there was a …

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Kagadi livestock farmers decry rampant cattle theft

Kagadi, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Cattle farmers in Kagadi district have raised a red flag following the surging cases of cattle theft that have rocked the area. The most affected are farmers from six villages of Nyakabira, Isunga, Kahunde, Kyankwanzi, Nyakasozi and Muhangi all in Isunga sub-county of Kagadi district. The …

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Masaka farmers get cassava drying machine to add value, improve incomes

Masaka, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | More than 300 farmers under Masaka District Farmers Association -MADIFA have received a cassava drying and processing machine to improve on value addition, quick processing of making cassava flour, and increase their incomes. The 35million Shilling machine is a donation from Vi-Agroforestry, a development organisation fighting …

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Gov’t pledges support to cotton and vanilla farmers

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Government is implementing a training programme through the Ministry of Agriculture to empower farmers with skills on production and marketing procedures of agricultural products that face price fluctuations. According to the State Minister for Industry, David Bahati, government  will facilitate farmers to join cooperatives so …

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VP Alupo blames poor agriculture productivity on low extension services

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Vice President Jessica Alupo has blamed the low agriculture productivity in the country to low extension services provided to the farmers, a situation that has hindered development of the sector. Alupo said that currently, farmers are increasingly facing crop failure, poor yields and storage loses …

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Sironko receives UGX 800M to support scale irrigation

Sironko, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Sironko district has received Shillings 800million from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries-MAAIF for the purchase of irrigation equipment to support high-value crop production under the scale irrigation program. The District Production Officer, Patrick Charlie Okori, says that the project targets 250 farmers …

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New cotton price excites farmers in Acholi sub region

Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Cotton farmers in the Acholi sub-region are excited with the new price of cotton that has hit 2,000 Shillings. Recently, the Cotton Development Organization-CDO announced an indicative price of shillings 2,000 for a kilogram of cotton. The indicative price helps to regulate the price at …

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Experts predict bumper cotton harvest in Acholi

Lamwo, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Cotton experts are predicting the favourable weather conditions in the Acholi sub region could see a higher production of cotton lint this farming season. Heavy rainfalls that triggered flooding last year affected cotton production in the region, leaving thousands of farmers with heavy losses. The …

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Farmers in Bududa reject seeds delivered under OWC program

Bududa, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Farmers in Bukibokolo sub county in Bududa district have rejected beans and maize seeds delivered under the Operation Wealth Creation. Bududa district received over 15,000 kilograms of maize and beans seeds. As a result, the district sent over 150 kilograms for distribution to farmers in …

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