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Tag Archives: Feliciah Kanyesigye

Same gender, different gains

By Feliciah Kanyesigye New report assesses impact of affirmative action for women Daphine , a fifth year medical student at Gulu University cannot stop praising `affirmative action’ which is code for the extra 1.5 points that girls seeking public university admission get. Daphine  scored 21 points in the pre-university entry …

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Senior four results out

By Feliciah Kanyesigye The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) released the Uganda Certificate of Education results on Feb. 7 at statistics house in kampala. According to the UNEB executive secretary, Matthew Bukenya, the UCE examinations were conducted successfully with no leakages and few cases of malpractice. Statistics indicate that of …

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