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Tag Archives: ferry services

UNRA to develop four landing sites on Lake Bunyonyi

Kabale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) will only develop four out of the projected nine landing sites during the establishment of ferry services on Lake Bunyonyi. The possibility of ferry services on Africa’s second deepest lake is a result of a campaign commitment made in 2015 …

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Floodwaters threaten ferry services at Laropi landing site

Moyo, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Ferry services between Laropi in Moyo and Umi in Adjumani districts are threatened by increasing water levels, which have since submerged the docking piers and Uganda National Roads Authority-UNRA offices adjacent to the landing site.  Several passengers travelling from Adjumani to Moyo were reportedly stranded …

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UNRA suspends ferry services on lake Bisina

Kumi, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The Uganda National Roads Authority- UNRA has suspended ferry services on Lake Bisina following the increasing water levels.  The ferry that has been connecting Kumi to Katakwi District and Karamoja region across Lake Bisina stopped operations on Sunday following flooding at Omatenga and Kokorio landing …

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