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Tag Archives: Francis Mwijukye

Consumer protection, competition laws in the offing

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Legislators on the Committee of Trade, Tourism and Industry are mooting Consumer Protection and Competition bills to shield consumers and traders from deceptive and unfair trade practices. While meeting officials from the Ministry of Trade, Industries and Cooperatives led by State Minister for Industries, David Bahati …

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FDC vows to defy new campaign regulations

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Forum for Democratic Change-FDC party officials have opposed the new Electoral Commission guidelines requiring candidates to seek police clearance before holding political gatherings. The FDC party Spokesperson, Ibrahim Ssemuju Nganda says it is illegal and unconstitutional for the Commission to abuse what he calls the …

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Parliament questions move to solicit for funds from workers

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament has demanded that the National COVID-19 Response Fund immediately withdraws a letter seeking money from salaried employees to help in the fight against the coronavirus disease. The National COVID-19 Response Fund recently reached out to employers asking for their support to collect at least …

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Museveni silent on Uganda-Rwanda conflict, disturbing-Opposition

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Members of the opposition have said that President Yoweri Museveni’s silence on the ongoing conflict between Uganda and Rwanda is a disturbing development. They argue that President Museveni’s State of the Nation address, delivered this evening, was inadequate and merely ceremonial because it left …

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