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Tag Archives: funds

Finance ministry connived with district leaders on surplus funds

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Legislators on a House committee have accused Nakasongola District leaders of conniving with officials from the finance ministry of inflating budgets, thereby causing funds to be returned to the Consolidated Fund. The district leaders were appearing before the Public Accounts Committee- Local Government on Thursday, …

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New climate change funds for Africa

How the IMF Resilience and Sustainability Facility and innovative climate finance can lessen challenges COMMENT | ALI MANSOOR & AWA MBAYE | African countries have been encouraged to seek alternative funding schemes to tackle climate change impacts whose effects have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war, geopolitical fragmentation, …

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MPs advocate for funds for Local Council elections

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Legislators tasked the Ministry of Finance to prioritise funding of the elections for Local Councils I, II and the women’s councils. The MPs’ demands were made during the plenary sitting on Wednesday, 12 July 2023. Hon. Susan Amero (Indep., Amuria District Woman Representative) said that …

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Ministry of Energy accused of utilizing UGX 527bn REA funds

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development is in trouble over the utilization of 527 billion Shillings meant for the Rural Electrification Agency-REA. REA was absorbed by the mother ministry following the rationalization of government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies – MDAs, a move aimed at …

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NAPAK: Disbursement of PDM funds start

Napak, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Napak district has started disbursement of the 3.1 billion Shillings Parish Development Model-PDM funds to 558 SACCOs. At least 25 million Shillings has already been distributed to 25 beneficiaries in Nakichumet parish in Matany Sub County as they plan to roll out to other parishes. …

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UN appeals funding to help people fleeing Sudan to Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Xinhua | The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) appealed for additional funding to address the needs of people crossing into Ethiopia due to the ongoing security situation in Sudan. The UNOCHA, in its latest situation update issued Friday, said some 85,0000 people …

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Manager arrested for embezzling sacco funds

Kabale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Duncan Twesigye, the Manager of Kigezi Umoja Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (UMOJA SACCO) in Kabale has been arrested for allegedlly embezzling 36 million Shillings. Twesigye has been on the run prompting the Sacco management to file a complaint at Kabale Police Station accusing Twesigye …

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Amolatar district starts disbursement of PDM funds

Amolatar, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Amolatar district local government has started disbursing 4.1 billion Shillings meant for the Parish Development Model (PDM) program. A total of 85 SACCOs have received different amounts. For instance, 3.1 billion Shillings was given to 55 SACCOs , 917 million shillings shared among 28 SACCOS …

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