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Tag Archives: government

OTAFIIRE: I had no authority to give away Jinja government property

Kampala, Uganda |JULIUS BUSINGE | Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Gen. Kahinda Otafiire on Thursday appeared before the land commission of inquiry to defend his role in the illegal giveaway of government property in Jinja, Eastern Uganda. According to information available before the commission, Otafiire, who was in 2011 the Minister …

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VIDEO: Government asks for two weeks to consult on Article 26

VIDEO: Government asks for two weeks to consult on Article 26 Kampala, Uganda | NTV UGANDA | Government has requested for a two weeks period to consult further on the constitution amendments on Article 26 which is intended to helping government acquire land for development. Justice and constitutional affairs minister Kahinda …

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VIDEO: Finance PS: Government has no money to run new districts

VIDEO: Finance PS: Government has no money to run new districts Kampala,Uganda | NTV | There is no money for the newly created districts, this according to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Keith Muhakanizi. He was appearing before the legal and Parliamentary affairs committee of Parliament. Also before …

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Rukutana presents Constitution Amendment Bill to parliament

Deputy Attorney General of Uganda Mwesigwa Rukutana has today read Bill 13, The Constitution Amendment Bill 2017,  that proposes acquisition of public land upon compensation. It was presented by Rukutana “for the first reading” and Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga, according to the rules of procedure, committed the bill to the …

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IT authority setting up system to ease access to govt services

Kampala, Uganda | Julius Businge | Uganda’s National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U) is planning to establish a central information technology system for sharing government information with the citizens. Leonah Mbonimpa, the corporate communications officer told The Independent on July 3 that procurement process is ongoing and plans are to have the system fully …

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Talks set with Magufuli to settle Tanzania gold fraud dispute

  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | AFP |  Tanzania has agreed to negotiations with Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold which it accuses of operating illegally and evading taxes, a government statement said Wednesday. Barrick is the majority shareholder in London-listed Acacia Mining which a presidential commission report said this week …

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KADAGA: Absenteeism by ministers slowing down government

Speaker “Reports” Ministers to President over perennial absenteeism Kampala, Uganda| PWATCH UG| The Speaker of Par­lia­ment, Re­becca Kadaga has out­lined the peren­nial ab­sence of cab­i­net min­is­ters among is­sues that greatly af­fected busi­ness dur­ing the first ses­sion of the 10th Par­lia­ment. In her com­mu­ni­ca­tion to the House on June 6, 2017, Kadaga …

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