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Tag Archives: healthcare

Africa new frontline in anti-tobacco fight: activists

Cape Town, South Africa | AFP | Africa and other developing regions are becoming increasingly significant battlegrounds in the effort to combat the spread of smoking, an anti-smoking campaign group warned on Thursday. But most countries in sub-Saharan Africa have inadequate monitoring of tobacco use, according to the authors of …

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PrEP: A shield against AIDS

Paris, France | AFP | “It’s magic,” said Francois, smiling. “Every time I take a pill I think about the people who aren’t so lucky as to have this option.” Taking a drug normally prescribed to treat AIDS as a way to shield against the deadly disease — known as …

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Strengthening healthcare

How to boost delivery and management of essential medicines in low- and middle-income countries Kampala, Uganda | JUSTUS HAUCAP | Around the world, health security is increasingly being recognised as the foundation of economic growth. Healthy populations are better able to produce, trade, and innovate, while unhealthy populations strain public budgets …

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Pope denounces healthcare inequality in rich countries

Vatican City, Holy See | AFP | Pope Francis on Thursday took wealthy nations to task over unequal healthcare and systems which increasingly penalise all but the very wealthy. Healthcare is a particularly hot-button issue in the United States, where President Donald Trump has been fighting to scrap the Affordable Care …

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IMF urges US to ‘protect’ gains won under Obamacare

Washington, United States | AFP | The International Monetary Fund on Thursday waded into the US health care debate, urging the Trump administration to “protect” gains achieved under President Barack Obama. As the US Senate continues the heated debate over repealing the Affordable Care Act implemented under Trump’s predecessor, the IMF …

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COMMENT: Ethics of healthcare

Can our health professionals practice ethically in an unethical environment? By: Moses Mulumba A few weeks back we lost Dr. Margaret Mungherera and a lot has been said and written about her. I had a privilege to severally interact with her and our last interaction was on a radio talk …

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Trump vows to scrap Obamacare as costs to jump 25 percent

Washington, United States | AFP | Donald Trump vowed Tuesday to overturn President Barack Obama’s signature health insurance program after the government announced Americans will see costs jump an average of 25 percent next year. “Obamacare has to be repealed and replaced and it has to be replaced with something …

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