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Tag Archives: HIV/AIDS

More than 2,000 Indians contract HIV after transfusions

More than 2,000 Indians contracted HIV over a 17-month period after receiving blood transfusions, data from the national AIDS body showed Wednesday. In response to a Right to Information request filed by Mumbai-based activist Chetan Kothari, the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) said 2,234 people had been infected between October …

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Uganda’s new burden of HIV/Aids

By Morris DC Komakech Government policies and spending key to achieving an HIV-free generation The debate about a prospective HIV-free generation given the advent of WHO Option B+ attracts attention. Further probing of the idea may expose it as a distant utopia. To have an HIV-free generation, our communities must …

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A meeting of minds on HIV/AIDS

By Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Margie McGlynn Researchers are learning a great deal from the responses of three groups of patients An ounce of prevention, Benjamin Franklin famously said, is worth a pound of cure. But that is not always true when it comes to research into infectious diseases. Though scientists …

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HIV/AIDS break through?

By Agencies Scientists develop vaccine they say can temporarily brakes HIV A team of Spanish researchers say they have developed a therapeutic vaccine that can temporarily brake growth of the HIV virus in infected patients. The vaccine, based on immune cells exposed to HIV that had been inactivated with heat, …

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