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Tag Archives: Intelligence File

A weak UPDF suffers intrigue and conspiracy

ANALYSED SITUATION IN ITURI IN AREAS CONTROLLED BY JEROME The situation in and around Ituri has not been bad. There are parts which need total supervision like that of Bosco Ntaganda Lendu Militias and Aru itself. A few days I spent in Aru, the following has been observed:- The increasing …

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LRA kills UPDF officers, sparks confusion in army

SUBJ: UPDATE- LRA ATTACK ON NISITU SPAF POSITIONS. Ref summary attached The following is an update on the yesterday’s attacks:- The attacks were in Nisistu and -Mile 30-detts of SPAF. In Nisitu 22 soldiers were KIA (killed in Action) including Maj. and a Lt. 35 Cas registered. In €œMile 30€ …

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How UPDF ghosts were created

HE the President and C-in-C of the UPDF issued a directive entitled ” Directives Under-Strength of UPDF Units” dated 5th March 2002. DIRECTIVES ON UNDERSTRENGTH OF UPDF C-in-C I have noted with grave concern that Uganda Peoples’ Defense Forces combat units are under strength and I have issued the following directives: …

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