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Tag Archives: James Okumu

Lamwo district human resource department incapacitated to manage payroll

Lamwo, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Poor management of the payroll is affecting the performance of workers in Lamwo district. Raising the concerns to the State Minister for Economic Monitoring who is assessing government projects in East Acholi, James Okumu Bedijo, the Chief Administrative Officer of Lamwo said since the decentralization …

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Lamwo RDC launches crackdown on staff absenteeism

Lamwo, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |The Lamwo Resident District Commissioner Geoffrey Osborn Oceng, has asked the Chief Administrative Officer to act upon civil servants who report late for work and leave earlier than the normal time. In his November 24, 2022 letter, Oceng notes that in his last four months …

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Busia fish farmers face shortage of fish feeds

  Busia, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  Fish farmers in Busia district are faced shortage of food to for the fish they are raring in ponds. According to the farmers, they are worried over the fish fingerlings in the ponds whose growth is being retarded and their quality quality deteriorating due …

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