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Tag Archives: Kanye

Kanye West hugs Trump, muses on presidential run

Washington, United States | AFP | Does rap megastar Kanye West support Donald Trump? He loves him — and proved it Thursday by suddenly striding from his chair at a surreal White House meeting to hug the president. “I love this guy right here,” the serial Grammy-winning artist declared in …

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Kanye West heads to White House

Washington, United States | AFP | The rapper Kanye West, one of Donald Trump’s most glamorous supporters, will head to the White House for a meeting with the president and his son in law Jared Kushner on Thursday, officials said. Trump, who came under fire this week from another music …

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Kanye West, doubling down, voices ‘love’ of Trump

New York, United States | AFP | Rap superstar Kanye West doubled down Wednesday on his support for Donald Trump, tweeting his “love” for the president and flirting with his own political ambitions after his newfound conservatism raised eyebrows. A master of staying in the spotlight, West last week returned …

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Sir Ketumile Masire State Funeral today

Botswana’s third President Festus Mogae has described Sir Ketumile’s leadership as “democratic to a fault.” Former President Mogae described Sir Ketumile Masire, Botswana’s second post-independence leader who died last week, as humble, considerate and very humorous. “His obsession was farming and food production,” he said at a memorial service to …

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Kanye West exits social media

New York, United States | AFP | Rap superstar Kanye West, long a prolific user of Twitter, has disappeared from social media after months of erratic behavior. The husband of reality television star Kim Kardashian appeared to have deleted his accounts on Twitter and Instagram, with searches Friday for his …

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Kanye West emerges from hospital to meet Trump

New York, United States | AFP | Rap superstar Kanye West on Tuesday delivered a surprise even in this most unusual of political years — he met President-elect Donald Trump, marking the artist’s first appearance since a reported mental breakdown. West, a rare US celebrity to voice support for Donald …

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Kanye suffers mental breakdown

Los Angeles, United States | AFP |  Rapper Kanye West was taken to a hospital in Los Angeles after his doctor called the emergency services to report he was suffering a mental breakdown, news reports said Tuesday. The musician’s personal physician Michael Farzam told police that his 39-year-old patient was …

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