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Tag Archives: Kivumbi

Sabiiti on the spot

Exposing the police boss’s biggest problem Seven months after his appointment as Deputy Inspector General (DIGP) of the Uganda Police, Maj. Gen. Steven Sabiiti Muzeeyi, was on Oct.15 put on the spot. President Yoweri Museveni ordered him to stamp out increasing urban crime in the Kampala Metropolitan Area, an assignment …

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ANALYSIS: Police on torture

Why activists say IGP Ochola’s latest order is a joke Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE | At a recent event organized in Kampala to commemorate the international day in support of torture victims, Mario Obiga Kania, the State Minister for Internal Affairs asked several uniformed police officers in attendance to …

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MUK Visitation Committee rapped over expenditure

MPs have queried the expenditure undertaken by the Makerere University nine member committee instituted by President Museveni to look into the remuneration issues that caused a strike among the university’s teaching staff. Museveni ordered the closure of the university after the strike paralysed affairs at the oldest university. Government has …

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ANALYSIS: Kasese killings

Human Rights activists, diplomats call for probe in the wake of new HRW report. Pressure from human rights activists, critics and the diplomatic community is mounting on government to act on the disturbing revelations about last year’s Kasese killings detailed in a new report by Human Rights Watch (HRW). This …

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Parliament tasks minister Kamya on vendor evictions

Parliament on Mar.01 engaged in a heated debate regarding eviction of vendors from Park yard market in down town Kampala on orders of Kampala Minister Beti Namisango Kamya.Following a proposal by Kampala legislator Mohammed Nsereko, Speaker Rebecca Kadaga asked the Minister to present to parliament a list of vendors who …

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