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Tag Archives: Makerere

Makerere Guild Speaker arrested over student’s assembly

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Isaac Kwagala, the Makerere University Guild speaker is in trouble for calling an emergency student’s General Assembly. Kwagala was picked up by Military Police from Pool Road between Mitchell Hall and College Of Computing And Information Sciences -COCIS on Tuesday evening. He was detained …

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Nawangwe calls another emergency meeting as MAK crisis continues

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe has called another emergency meeting for top managers over the current impasse in the university.  The meeting is taking place this afternoon in the Senior Common Room in Makerere Main Building. College Principals, Deputy Principals, School deans …

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Nawangwe’s Makerere mess

Does Makerere university need a CEO instead of a vice chancellor? Kampala, Uganda | FLAVIA NASSAKA  | Since he was named vice chancellor of Makerere University Kampala, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe has cast himself as a no-nonsense, no compromise manager. His style has earned him several nicknames. The latest is `Ostrich’ …

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Makerere staff dismiss calls for General Assembly

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Makerere University striking staff have denounced a announcements  calling for an emergency general assembly. The general assembly, according to the announcement released by Makerere University Academic Staff Association (MUASA) General Secretary, Dr Richard Walimbwa was scheduled for Friday at 2:30 PM in the university …

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Makerere probe committee given two months

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The committee set up to investigate the conduct of the suspended Makerere University Academic Staff Association – MUASA leader, Dr Deus Kamunyu Muhwezi has been given up to two months to deliver its report. The committee will be headed by Prof. Sarah Kiguli, a Senior …

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Makerere cancels new guild poll regulations

  Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Makerere University management has cancelled the newly gazetted guild electoral guidelines. On Wednesday, the students during their emergency Guild Representative Council session referred to the new regulations as “draconian. The students had given a 48-hour ultimatum to the University management to have dropped …

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Acting Makerere Vice Chancellor calls emergency meeting

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | As pressure to reinstate the suspended staff association leaders continues to mount, the Makerere University Acting Vice Chancellor Prof. Eria Hisali has called an emergency meeting for all university managers to discuss the way forward. The meeting according to an invitation issued on Thursday, …

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Crisis as Makerere students give 48-hour-ultimatum

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Student leaders at Makerere University have given management a 48-hour ultimatum to end  their squabbles with staff and lecture the students. The ultimatum ends at midday Friday January 25, 2019. They made the resolution during an emergency Makerere University Special Guild Sitting that took …

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Mak Student leaders to convene over staff strike, new poll regulations

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Makerere University students have vehemently opposed the new guild electoral laws, saying they were never consulted. Isaac Kwagala, the Speaker Makerere University Guild, says they have called an emergency meeting of all student leaders to discuss among others the approval and gazetting of the …

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Workers MPs to meet suspended Makerere staff

  Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Members of Parliament representing workers have said they are preparing to meet the suspended staff of Makerere University. The members of parliament on Monday condemned the suspension of the three Makerere University Association members saying it is irregular and illegal. On January 17th, …

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