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Tag Archives: Maria Zakharova

Russia sees progress of quadripartite talks on grain exports

Moscow, Russia | Xinhua | Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations have reached consensus on some issues regarding grain exports and the negotiation will continue, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Thursday. There was a substantive discussion during the talks in Turkey’s Istanbul on Wednesday and some elements of possible agreements …

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Russia urges U.S. to explain military biological activities

Moscow, Russia | Xinhua | Russia has asked the United States to explain its military biological activities in some post-Soviet countries. On Sunday, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said the United States must fulfill its obligations under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), which is essential for international security. Russia …

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Russia says likely to strengthen defense amid Japan hostility

Moscow, Russia | Xinhua | Russia said on Wednesday that it is closely monitoring hostile activities of Japan and reserves the right to strengthen its defense capability in response. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova made the remarks in a statement commenting on Japan’s so-called protest against the joint strategic air …

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Russia won’t participate in special session of UNHRC on Ukraine

Moscow, Russia | Xinhua | The Russian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that Russia has chosen not to participate in an upcoming special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Ukraine, calling the event biased. “Unfortunately, our arguments and explanations with regard to the true goals of the special …

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NATO summit confirms desire to prolong conflict, says Russia

Moscow, Russia | Xinhua | The extraordinary summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held Thursday has confirmed the alliance’s desire to contain Russia and prolong the military conflict in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. “The decision announced at the summit to continue providing political and practical support to …

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Russia demands U.S. disclose information on biolabs in Ukraine

Moscow, Russia | Xinhua | The Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday asked Washington to provide all information on the activities of U.S.-linked biological laboratories in Ukraine. The nervous and unjustified reaction of the United States to Moscow’s concerns only confirms “the extremely dangerous and illegal activities” carried out in these facilities, …

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Russia urges U.S. to explain purpose of biological labs in Ukraine

Moscow, Russia | Xinhua | The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that Washington must explain to the international community the purpose of U.S.-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine. “We remember for how many years and with what bloody results the United States searched for various types of chemical, biological, bacteriological weapons …

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Kiev destroyed deadly samples from U.S.-funded biowarfare labs: Russia

Moscow, Russia | Xinhua | The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed on Tuesday that authorities in Kiev destroyed dangerous pathogens of deadly diseases stored in U.S.-funded laboratories in the country. The ministry received documentation from employees at Ukrainian biological laboratories confirming the urgent destruction of dangerous pathogens such as plague, anthrax, tularemia, …

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MH17 calls ‘show ties between Russian officials, rebels’

The Hague, Netherlands | AFP | International investigators looking into the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine released intercepted phone calls on Thursday showing close links between “high-ranking” Russian officials and rebel suspects facing trial over the crash. The probe said the recordings raised questions about the possible involvement of key …

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