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Tag Archives: Museveni

Museveni meets Palestine President, Kazkhstan envoy

Addis Ababa, Ethopia | PPU |President Yoweri Museveni has held a bilateral meeting with the Palestine President Mohamoud Abbas at the sidelines of the 29th Ordinary Assembly of the African Union Heads of State and Governments at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa. The Palestinian leader briefed his host about their liberation struggle …

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President Museveni in Addis for 29th AU Summit

  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | PPU| President Yoweri Museveni has today arrived in the Ethiopian Capital Addis Ababa for the 29th Ordinary Session of the assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union. The President who is accompanied by the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports Janet …

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ANALYSIS: Museveni’s refugee summit warning

Why President told world leaders not to undervalue his hospitality Kampala, Uganda |Ronald Musoke| When President Yoweri Museveni successfully convened a meeting of world leaders in Kampala for the first ever UN-backed Refugee Solidarity Summit on June 22-23, his mission was half accomplished. Top on the summit agenda was how …

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Muntu faces FDC boot

Defiant members plot to oust party president Kampala, Uganda |Agather Atuhaire| It appears nothing and nobody is these days simple or innocent in Uganda’s biggest party, the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC). But it is a reality that the leaders; from Party President Mugisha Muntu to Secretary General Nandala Mafabi …

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Get out of wetlands, river banks to avert disaster – President

Kampala, Uganda | PPU| President Yoweri Museveni has urged Ugandans that have invaded, cultivated and settled in wetlands, forestry reserves, river banks and lake shores to leave them peacefully and save the country from disaster. The President was speaking at a public rally at Rushoroza Seed School in Kihihi sub-county in …

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MPs question government over Constitutional Review Commission

Kampala, Uganda | PWATCHUG|  A sec­tion of Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment have tasked gov­ern­ment to ex­plain its de­lay to ap­point a Con­sti­tu­tional Re­view Com­mis­sion to over­see an over­haul of amend­ment of the con­sti­tu­tion. Bu­li­isa County MP, Stephen Muk­i­tale Bi­rahwa, while rais­ing a mat­ter of na­tional im­por­tance recently, told the House that …

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30 French firms eye Uganda investments

 The firms seek to invest in energy, infrastructure, IT and pharmaceutical industries  Kampala, Uganda | Ronald Musoke | Uganda’s ever growing position as an attractive investment destination for French companies came to the fore recently as a delegation of more than 30 companies under the umbrella organisation MEDEF (Mouvement des …

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