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Tag Archives: Museveni

Museveni, Farmajo speeches on ‘Future For Somalia’

The Somalian President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, known as President Farmajo, gave an opening speech outlining the way forward for the country at the conference on Somalia’s future today May 11, 2017.. Joined by the UK Prime Minister Theresa May, presidents from the region, led by Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, also gave …

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Museveni in London for Somalia conference, to meet Theresa May

London, UK | PPU| President Yoweri Museveni is in London, United Kingdom for a two day working visit during which he will attend and address the Somalia Conference at Lancaster House on Thursday May 11, 2017. (SPEECH HERE – click) Museveni is accompanied by the First Lady and Minister of Education and …

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Dr Stella Nyanzi granted bail

Makerere University Researcher Dr Stella Nyanzi has been granted bail by Buganda Road Court Chief magistrate James Mawanda Ereemye. Dr.Nyanzi arrived at the court Wednesday morning looking in poor health, and was helped to walk by prisons officers. Her lawyers say she had a bout of malaria. After listening to arguments by both sides (details …

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Dr Nyanzi mental status hearing expected to continue today

War of words between government and American ambassador  on Nyanzi case Makerere University Researcher and social activist Dr. Stella Nyanzi is expected at Buganda Road Court today May 10 for a hearing in which her lawyers will respond to the state’s application to inquire into her mental status. Dr Nyanzi is expected to appear …

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Oulanyah faults Mu­sev­eni on Electoral Commission bud­get

Kampala, Uganda | PWATCHUG| The Deputy Speaker of Par­lia­ment Ja­cob Oulanyah has blamed Pres­i­dent  Yoweri Mu­sev­eni for in­ad­e­quately fund­ing the Elec­toral Com­mis­sion. Oulanyah said this while meet­ing of­fi­cials from the Elec­toral Com­mis­sion led by its Chair­per­son Jus­tice Si­mon Byabakama, who com­plained of lack of funds to hold elec­tions in seven …

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Since it was signed by ex­perts, I signed – Syda Bbumba

Kampala, Uganda | PWATCHUG| For­mer En­ergy Min­is­ter, Syda Bbumba has feigned ig­no­rance of the con­tent in an oil pro­duc­tion shar­ing agree­ment that led to a $157 mil­lion tax waiver to Tul­low Oil Com­pany. Bbumba is in the eye of the storm af­ter Pres­i­dent Yow­eri Mu­sev­eni, while meet­ing leg­is­la­tors on the …

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Press freedom under pressure

World notes worsening situation in Uganda, cites Stella Nyanzi saga The constant attacks on journalists by security operatives have seen Uganda drop 10 places in the just released 2017 World Press Freedom Index. Uganda stands at 112, down from the 102nd position it occupied last year with a global score …

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Uganda steps up nuclear energy plans, experts visit China

Uganda energy officials engage China partners on nuclear energy development Uganda has called for partnership with China in the area of nuclear energy development for peaceful purposes. “Plans have been made in Uganda to have clean and safe energy generation sources with nuclear being one of them”, said Prisca Boonabantu, Undersecretary …

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