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Tag Archives: Naomi Wolf

Football versus freedom

By Naomi Wolf When Coca-Cola, backed by the military, sets national policy, a darker page in the fight for freedom has been turned Last year, Brazilian authorities were taken by surprise when a wave of protests erupted during the Confederations Cup soccer tournament, a sort of warm-up to this year’s …

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JFK’s women problem

By Naomi Wolf The sense of entitlement that sustained his male fecklessness has been steadily eroded ever since The 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy provides an opportunity to consider the shifts in consciousness in the United States that have occurred in the half-century since his death. …

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Sheryl Sandberg’s Good Fight

By Naomi Wolf Redressing women’s underrepresentation in land ownership and politics requires individualised leadership and skills training Is it always offensive to advise women to change something about themselves in order to ensure that they can achieve their goals? To suggest the need for any self-scrutiny on women’s part is …

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Keyboard cops

By Naomi Wolf Excessive surveillance infringes on the privacy rights of individuals contrary to constitutional provisions Almost no one had read the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) before it was rushed through the United States House of Representatives in late April and sent to the Senate. CISPA is …

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