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Tag Archives: NaSARRI

New improvement groundnut varieties to meet market demand

Since the 1920’s, Uganda’s research efforts have released 24 varieties, the recent commercial varieties being Serenut1-14 series Kampala, Uganda | Isaac Khisa | Ann Apio has been growing groundnuts in Serere district, approximately 200km north east of Uganda’s capital Kampala for decades but has always had to content with difficulty in …

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New farming technology gives hope to fight hunger in Karamoja

Napak, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The introduction of a new farming technology has provided hope to the Karimojong, thanks to National Semi – Arid Resources Research Institute Serere (NaSARRI).  For the first time, farmers in Karamoja are expecting a bumper harvest in November/December after planting seeds past May, which is …

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NARO plant breeders stuck without research funds

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A section of plant breeders at the National Agriculture Research Organization are stranded without funding for integrated research in strategic crops grown and consumed across the country. Some of the researchers require funds to travel to foreign countries to collect samples for improving domestic …

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BT Cotton Opportunity

Local players unhappy with govt’s shelving of biotechnology law Kampala, Uganda | ISAAC KHISA | When confined field trials for insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant BT cotton started at the National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI) with support from the US-based Monsanto in 2006, researchers thought farmers would no longer worry of …

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