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Tag Archives: Nathan Were

The new digital taxes

The projected revenues may not be realised yet the long-term effects created may be difficult to reverse COMMENT | NATHAN WERE | The Parliament of Uganda recently passed the Excise Duty Amendment Bill, 2021 in which new taxes were introduced. One of such tax is on the internet requiring users …

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Covid-19 fight exposes danger of corruption

How paying lip service to fighting corruption tendencies is undermining surveillance systems in East African region COMMENT | NATHAN WERE | East Africa, like the rest of the world, is battling one of the most challenging pandemics in history – the Coronavirus. East Africa’s over 170 million people are under …

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Behind micro-credit loans

  No one deserves to die from excessive peer pressure because of failure to re-pay a micro-credit loan COMMENT | Nathan Were |The Daily Monitor newspaper of February 02, 2019 led with a sad story of Gubindi – a resident of Jinja town in eastern Uganda who, after failure to …

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