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Tag Archives: News

IN THE INDEPENDENT: Age-limit Bill scandal

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT| These are the top stories in this week’s The Independent. COVER STORY Age-limit Bill scandal: The 4 fights frustrating Museveni THE LAST WORD: Inside Museveni’s life presidency: Why the removal of age limits may be the best way to get a peaceful succession in Uganda …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: Behind Museveni land tour confusion

IN THE INDEPENDENT: Behind Museveni land tour confusion Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  The top stories in this week’s The Independent. Get your copy from the nearest news stand. COVER STORY Behind Museveni land tour confusion: Cash handouts, secret age-limit talks and more THE LAST WORD Uganda’s misguided debate: …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: What security is doing wrong

  Kampala, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  The top stories in this week’s THE INDEPENDENT.  News analysis, interviews, features, business et al THE LAST WORD The false gospel of governance: How Africa’s obsession with `governance’ issues is too much ado over little or nothing NEW ANALYSIS Nalufenya torture latest: After mayor released quietly, 21 …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: CJ Katureebe’s Kenyan test

IN THE INDEPENDENT: Katureebe’s Kenyan test COVER STORY Katureebe’s Kenyan test: Kenya Supreme Court annulment of election reignites debate over Uganda ruling. THE LAST WORD Opening the Pandora’s Box: How the nullification of the presidential elections in Kenya has put that country on a slippery slope. NEWS ANALYSIS Cost of …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: Why Museveni fired Isabalija

IN THE INDEPENDENT: Why Museveni fired Isabalija TOP stories in this week’s THE INDEPEDENT LAW From Kavuma to Owiny-Dollo: What next as Museveni’s cadre judges win? THE LAST WORD Museveni’s dilemma, Africa’s crisis : How the obsession with our internal weaknesses has obscured the international dimension of Africa’s problems. COVER …

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IN THE INDEPENDENT: New Museveni age-limit plan

In The Independent this week: New Museveni age-limit plan THE LAST WORD The Kenya, Rwanda elections: How voting in these two East African nations reflects our understanding of democracy. COVER STORY New Museveni age-limit plan: How president’s team has ‘trapped’ MPs. NEWS ANALYSIS Museveni’s refinery deal: Now gov’t says in …

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