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Tag Archives: Okello Lucima

Acholi- Madi land saga

By Okello Lucima No matter where the boundary markers fall, the population still have the rights to live on their land What is happening to the Acholi community in Apaa, Amuru District, is nothing but blatant, brutal ethnic cleansing, orchestrated by the state. Unless and until the border between Adjumani …

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Loan scheme needs new approach

By Okello Lucima Access, equality, and equity must underline post-secondary education funding The government intention to kick-start students’ loan schemes has drawn both applause and skepticisms. This promise has for a long time been on the NRM policy shelf and basket of empty pledges, the government had to do something …

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UPC mourns Odit

By Aloysious Kasoma Opposition party Uganda People’s Congress has described the late John Odit as a patriot who served his country whole heartedly. Okello Lucima the party spokesperson said that Odit was a man who dedicated himself to serve his country and the people and was highly respected by his …

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