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Tag Archives: old taxi park

Taxi operators protest delayed completion of old taxi park

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  Taxi operators in Kampala have raised concern about the delayed completion of the Old Taxi Park. Last year, Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA started reconstruction works at the Park promising to complete it in three months.  However, nine months after, construction works are still going on. …

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KCCA bans hawkers in refurbished old taxi park

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Kampala Capital City Authority has announced a ban on hawkers in the refurbished  Old Taxi Park. The ongoing construction works on the park are expected to be completed by March 4, 2021. Upon completion, the authorities say the park will have new guidelines for reducing …

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Completion of old taxi park renovation works behind schedule

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA is yet to complete renovations of the old Taxi Park nine months after works commenced. KCCA contracted Sterling Civil Engineering and Kiru General Services to renovate the park. However the completionof the park is behind schedule  since it was supposed to have …

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KCCA to unveil old taxi park before festive season

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA has promised to unveil the newly refurbished Old taxi park before the festive season.  Eng. David Luymbazi, KCCA Deputy Executive Director told URN that they are very optimistic that the contractor will complete the work a week towards Christmas.   “We have …

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Construction of old taxi park partially done -KCCA

  Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Construction works in the old taxi park are now at a 55 per cent completion rate, according to Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA. The work was contracted to Sterling Civil Engineering Ltd and Kiru General Services. Engineer Joel Wasswa, the project supervisor from KCCA told …

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Excavation of old taxi park starts amidst driver’s protest

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Taxi operators looked on helpless as excavation works kicked off in Old taxi park on Tuesday morning. Dozens of taxi drivers, conductors and other city dwellers surrounded the park gazing as graders excavated the ground in the park and loaded soil on trucks. By midday, …

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Renovation of Old taxi park to start next year

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT  | The much anticipated renovation of the old taxi park will start next year. Works will include tarmacking and  installation of a proper drainage system. The renovation was supposed to start two months ago but faced resistance from taxi operators who argued that they had …

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