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Tag Archives: parliament

Gen Odongo, MPs differ on composition of Mineral Police

MPs Reject minister’s statement on Minerals Police Protection Unit Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A controversial list submitted to Parliament by MP Joseph Ssewungu (DP, Kalungu West) on the composition of the Mineral Police has pitted some MPs against Internal Affairs Minister, Gen Jeje Odongo. MP Ssewungu claims the …

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Parliament approves UGX 292 billion supplementary budget

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament has approved a supplementary budget of 292 Billion Shillings. The approved 18.5 billion Shillings for Covid-19 vaccines is an advance payment for the 18 million doses of AstraZeneca for government to start the vaccination of 9 million vulnerable Ugandans. Also approved by Parliament is …

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Supplementary budget request his snag in parliament

Parliament stays approval of UGX 292Bn supplementary budget after letter is ready from the Uganda Land Commission   Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Parliament has postponed the approval of a Shillings 292billion Supplementary budget request by the government to among others procure more facemasks, ambulances and compensate Lusanja land eviction victims. …

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MPs demand framework for payment of Bunyoro tobacco farmers

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT  |  Members of Parliament have asked the government to explain circumstances under which Tobacco farmers from Bunyoro sub-region, who are owed money by private companies will be paid off.     The matter follows a supplementary budget request of 291 billion Shillings, which among others, proposes an …

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MPS want employed Ugandans to pay for COVID-19 vaccine

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT  |  Members of the Health Committee of Parliament want financially stable Ugandans to pay for COVID-19 vaccination, and let the government allocation go to the less privileged and most vulnerable communities.   The Ministry of Health announced earlier that it has placed an order for 18 million …

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Parliament demands answers on stranded workers in Saudi Arabia

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT  |  The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga has asked the Ministry of Gender Labor and Social development to brief Parliament on the plight of stranded migrant workers in Saudi Arabia. Kadaga’s decision followed the presentation of a matter of national importance by the Bugabula South MP …

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Parliament raises red flag over directive to suspend DGF activities

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT  |  Members of Parliament have questioned President Yoweri Museveni’s directive to the Ministry of Finance to suspend activities of the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) in the country over alleged subversion of government activities. DGF is the single biggest donor basket established by Development Partners to provide …

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GEN JEJE ODONGO: Buganda is not being targeted

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Minister of Internal Affairs Gen. Jeje Odongo has told parliament that government cannot trace 31 of the 44 who have allegedly been kidnapped in the country in the past month. He said seven of the cases he has investigated were not kidnapped but …

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