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Tag Archives: parliament

Electoral Commission asks for pay rise

Staff of Uganda’s Electoral Commission (EC) on Friday petitioned the Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga over a salary increment. They also complained that the Standard Gauge Railway is going to displace them from their headquarters. In their petition brought to the speaker by the EC’s commissioners and Secretary Sam Rwakojjo, they …

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AKOL: AG Ruhindi initiated ‘presidential handshake’

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Commissioner General Doris Akol has said it was the Attorney General Fred Ruhindi who initiated the request for a sh6 billion presidential reward for a team of government officials who won a 2014 capital gains tax case against UK based oil company Heritage. Akol said she only got involved …

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VIDEO: 2016 election losers eye EALA slot

VIDEO: The corridors of the Parliamentary building are a bee-hive of activity as those seeking to take up seats at the East Africa Legislative Assembly pitch camp, lobbying MPs for votes. A quick survey reveals 75 aspirants are bidding for 9 seats majority of who are former members of parliament who …

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Parliament agrees to investigate oil tax bonus

Parliament to investigate “sh6 billion golden presidential handshake” Parliament on Wednesday agreed to set up a select committee to look into what has been referred to as the “Golden Presidential handshake” that cost tax payers sh6 billion. The bonus was paid out to a team of 42 selected government officials …

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Parliament resumes plenary on Wednesday

Uganda’s Parliament is to resume plenary sittings on Wednesday. A statement signed by the Clerk to Parliament, Jane Kibirige indicates that all committee activities will resume tomorrow before the house convenes on Wednesday. Speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga last week suspended business, after what she called a “stupid court order” …

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Health rights body sues Govt over blanket ban on sex education

Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) has dragged government to the Kampala High Court, challenging the delay by the Ministry of Education and Sports to issue a policy on comprehensive sex education. There was a heated debate in Parliament in August  following a motion urging the Ministry of Education …

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Sabiiti withdraws ‘presidential handshake’ petition

The petition which resulted into what Parliament’s Speaker Rebecca Kadaga called a “stupid court order” blocking parliament from debating the controversial “presidential handshake” reward, has been formally withdrawn by the petitioner, Eric Sabiiti. An employee of the Electoral commission, Eric Sabiiti through his lawyer Alex Chandia petitioned the constitutional court to …

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Drama as Sabiiti lawyers apologize for ‘stupid’ court order

The lawyer representing a petitioner who sought to stop discussion on the sh6 billion cash awarded to a number of selected public servants has apologized to Uganda’s parliament for the issuance of a court order, which stalled government business. “The speaker’s ruling, which is as a result of the court …

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Tension as Kadaga adjourns parliament until Kavuma court order vacated

Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga has adjourned parliament until a court order by the Constitutional Court halting any discussion on the “Presidential Handshake”  is vacated. “I cannot accept a situation where the court dictates how we operate and determine the order paper,” Kadaga said. “I direct the Attorney General to move …

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Kato Lubwama attempts to appeal, hits brick wall

High court rules that embattled MP Kato Lubwama has no right of appeal Kampala High Court Judge Margret Oguli -Oumo has ruled that embattled Rubaga South MP Paul Kato Lubwama has no right of appeal against a decision which allowed voter Habib Buwembo  to file an election petition challenging his academic …

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