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Tag Archives: Patrick Onyango

City dwellers turn to public parks to kill boredom

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  Dozens of city residents are spending time in public parks citing boredom after spending over five weeks at home because of the corona virus lock down. President, Yoweri Museveni announced a nationwide lock down mid-April this year to stem the spread of corona virus. The …

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Police deploys heavily at city mortuary ahead of Glaser’s postmortem

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  There is heavy police deployment in and around Kampala Capital City Mortuary where the body of suspected German paedophile Bernhard Glaser Berry is being held. Dozens of both uniformed and plain cloth security officers have deployed strategically around the facility. Those accessing the mortuary are screened …

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Police closes spare parts shops in Kisekka market

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Spare parts shops in Kisekka market were on Tuesday morning closed by police. In his address, President Yoweri Museveni allowed reopening of wholesale shops, hardware shops, garages, restaurants and warehouses among others. However, on Tuesday hundreds of traders selling motor vehicle spare parts opened …

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Another Wakiso police boss arrested over protecting murder suspect

Wakiso, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  A joint investigations team from State House Anti-Corruption Unit – SHACU and Criminal Investigations Directorate – CID have arrested Wakiso police station Officer in Charge – OC on allegations of protecting a murder suspect. Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson, Patrick Onyango said Assistant Superintendent of Police …

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MPs, Lawyers paying millions to hackers to conceal nudes- Police

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Hackers are conning elite Ugandans of their hard earned cash with threats of exposing their nudes and pictures to the public according to Uganda Police Force. The Police Cyber Unit at the Criminal Investigations Directorate –CID and its sister branch at Kampala Central Police …

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Police teargas truck knocks boda-boda cyclist dead

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A boda-boda cyclist was on Wednesday knocked to death by a speeding numberless teargas police truck at Nakawa traffic lights. Witnesses said the cyclist who was identified as Eric Muyinza was crossing the traffic lights when the truck abruptly rammed into him. Patrick Onyango, …

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DJ Nimrod arrested over food distribution

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Renowned city Disc Jockey-DJ Nimrod Nabeeta is in trouble for distributing food in violation of the presidential directive that all relief is handed to the National Covid19 Task Force. The Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, Patrick Onyango says Nimrod was picked up by a joint …

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Accident kills five people in Kayanja along Kampala-Jinja highway

  Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Five people have reportedly died in a road accident at Kayanja, Namataba along the Kampala-Jinja highway earlier today. The accident which involved four motor vehicles occurred when a Tata-lorry loaded with sugarcane had a head-on collision with a Fuso-lorry registration number UAA 496m which …

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Two people arrested with fake COVID-19 vehicle stickers

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Police in Kampala is holding two suspects for forging COVID-19 vehicle stickers. The two identified as Dickson Mugarura and one only identified as Julius were found with a replica of permits issued by the Ministry of Works and Transport to ease the movement of …

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