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Tag Archives: police violence

Police violence scares voters

So why does President Museveni ignore it? Uganda, Uganda | MUBATSI ASINJA HABATI | Since scenes of violence being meted out in broad daylight against the most prominent presidential candidates challenging President Yoweri Museveni, most commentators and analysts have said the violence sets stage for the 2021 elections. Presidential nominees …

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Facial recognition: IT and police in delicate dance

Paris, France | AFP |  Tech giants love to portray themselves as forces for good and as the United States was gripped by anti-racism protests a number of them publicly disavowed selling controversial facial recognition technology to police forces. Facial recognition has numerous applications that could simplify our lives as we’ve …

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Africa urges UN probe of US ‘systemic racism’, police violence

Geneva, Switzerland | AFP | African countries are pushing for the UN’s top rights body to launch a high-level investigation into “systemic racism” and police violence in the United States and beyond, according to a draft resolution seen Tuesday by AFP. The text was being circulated to diplomats for consultations ahead of a so-called urgent …

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Switzerland grapples with its own ‘George Floyd’ case

Geneva, Switzerland | AFP |  George Floyd’s shocking death in police custody in the US has sparked belated soul-searching in Switzerland over the death of a Nigerian man two years ago in Lausanne in seemingly similar circumstances. The images of Floyd’s last agonising moments have circled the globe, sparking massive protests …

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