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Tag Archives: presidential age limit

Mabirizi petitions East African court over age limit law

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Male Mabirizi has petitioned the East African Court of Justice to nullify the Constitutional Amendment Act 2018, which paved way for scrapping the presidential age limit. In his petition before the EAC court of Justice, Mabirizi argues that the actions of the Parliament, Executive …

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Three supreme court justices differ in age limit judgement

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Justices Stella Arach Amoko, Apio Aweri and Eldad Mwanguhya have differed in their judgment on the consolidated presidential age limit appeal. The two are part of the seven members of the Supreme Court panel delivering their judgment on the consolidated age limit appeal, which is …

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THIS WEEK: DP leaders arrested

DP leaders arrested campaigning against amending presidential age limit ‘K’ogikwatako’ is loosely translated as ‘if you dare touch it’. This is the name the country’s oldest party – the Democratic Party gave their campaign aimed at stopping amendment of article 102 of the constitution which puts presidential age limit at …

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