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Tag Archives: private clinics.

Private clinics sprouting around Mulago national referral hospital

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Dr. Byarugaba Baterana, the Executive Director of Mulago Specialised National Referral hospital wants the licenses of private clinics and pharmacies operating around and within Mulago hospital revoked. Speaking during the weekly Ministry of Health supervision meeting at the hospital, Baterana said there are lots of fraudulent …

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Jinja hospital x-ray machine nonoperational

Jinja, Uganda| AFP |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The x-ray machine at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital is dysfunctional forcing patients in need of radiography services to turn to lower health units or costly private clinics. The dual-diagnostic multipurpose x-ray machine at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital reportedly broke down in February and hasn’t …

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