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Tag Archives: quake

Turkey-Armenia border gate reopens after 30 years for quake aid

Ankara, Turkey | Xinhua | A border gate between Turkey and Armenia has been opened for the first time in 30 years for the passage of humanitarian assistance for victims of the devastating earthquakes hitting southern Turkey, the state-run Anadolu News Agency reported Saturday. An Armenian delegation with five trucks of aid …

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Quake rattles New Zealand as Harry and Meghan visit

Wellington, New Zealand | AFP | A 6.1 magnitude earthquake rattled parts of central New Zealand Tuesday, where British royals Meghan and Harry are on tour, but officials said it caused no major damage. The quake was felt in Wellington during a session of parliament, prompting lawmakers to stop deliberations …

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Thirteen killed in Mexican quake zone helicopter crash

Santiago Jamiltepec, Mexico | AFP | Thirteen people were killed in southern Mexico when a minister’s helicopter crash-landed on its way to the epicenter of a powerful earthquake that rattled the region, officials said Saturday. The 7.2 magnitude quake caused only material damage when it struck late Friday, but it …

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Strong quake shakes Mexico, causing panic

Mexico City, Mexico | AFP | A strong earthquake shook southern and central Mexico Friday, causing panic less than six months after two devastating quakes that killed hundreds of people. No buildings collapsed, according to early reports. But two towns near the epicenter, in the southern state of Oaxaca, reported …

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Iran earthquake death toll rises to 483

Tehran, Iran | AFP | The number of dead in a major earthquake that hit Iran’s western province of Kermanshah this month has risen to 483, official news agency IRNA said. The rise from a previous toll of 436 reported last week came after some people died from their injuries …

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Lake Tanganyika: 5.7-magnitude quake strikes region

Johannesburg, South Africa | AFP |  A 5.7-magnitude earthquake hit near Africa’s Lake Tanganyika early Friday, the US Geological Survey said, with the epicentre in northen Zambia. The quake, which was 10 kilometres (six miles) deep, struck at 00:32 GMT about 45 kilometres from the Zambian town of Kaputa, which …

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Vatican blasts Italian priest who blames earthquakes on gay unions

Rome, Italy | AFP |  An Italian priest has said the recent earthquakes that have shaken the country, killing hundreds and leaving tens of thousands homeless, were “divine punishment” for gay civil unions, earning the Vatican’s wrath. Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, a theologian known for his hardline views, made the comments …

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