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Tag Archives: SPLM/A-IO

South Sudan ceasefire may unravel due to hostilities: monitors

Juba, South Sudan | Xinhua | South Sudan’s ceasefire is increasingly under pressure due to ongoing hostilities in the oil-rich regions of Unity and Upper Nile, the country’s ceasefire monitors warned Thursday. Asrat Denero Amad, the chairperson for Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) warned that the ceasefire is …

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South Sudan parties form unified armed forces command

Khartoum, South Sudan | Xinhua | South Sudan’s parties have formed the much-awaited unified armed forces command following several months of delay. President Salva Kiir issued a decree on Tuesday on state television (SSBC) in which he announced several appointees to head the unified South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF), prisons, …

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South Sudan peace guarantors urge commitment to resolve outstanding issues

Juba, South Sudan | Xinhua | Three Western nations which are South Sudan peace guarantors Tuesday welcomed the decision by the main opposition, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In-Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) to resume participation in the security mechanisms and called for total commitment to resolve the remaining issues. The United States, United Kingdom and …

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South Sudan’s main opposition rejoins security mechanisms

Juba, South Sudan | Xinhua | South Sudan’s main opposition, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In-Opposition (SPLM/A-IO), has agreed to resume participation in the security mechanisms after recently opting out due to “unprovoked” attacks on its positions. First Vice President Riek Machar, leader of the SPLM/A-IO, on March 22 announced announced his party’s …

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South Sudan parties in talks to end stalemate over security

  Juba, South Sudan | Xinhua | South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir and his First Vice President Riek Machar are holding discussions to end the deadlock over the security arrangements, a senior official said on Thursday. Bol Makueng, Secretary for external affairs of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) led by President …

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Salva Kiir vows to implement peace deal despite hitches

Juba, South Sudan | Xinhua | South Sudan President Salva Kiir on Monday assured the country he would implement the revitalized peace agreement which ended years of conflict despite the challenges facing it. While addressing a news conference in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, Kiir called for unity in the …

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South Sudan’s main opposition denies deal on unified army command

Juba, South Sudan | Xinhua | The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-In-Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) faction under First Vice President Riek Machar on Monday denied agreeing with President Salva Kiir on the ratios within the unified army command. Puok Both Baluang, acting press secretary for Machar, dismissed a recent claim by Martin Elia Lomuro, …

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Riek Machar optimistic of successful peace process amid challenges

Juba, South Sudan | Xinhua | South Sudan’s First Vice President Riek Machar on Wednesday expressed optimism about achieving peace despite the delay in implementing critical tasks in the 2018 peace deal. Machar, leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-in-Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) said he remains hopeful of concluding pending tasks within the …

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